Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Music Memories

When I was a teenager (oh, I'm still a teenager. Yeah) I used to listen Placebo. The thing I liked about them is that they were weird, not in a negative way, but in a good way, because they were something new for a young girl who was looking for her identity. I felt represented with that slow-sad music, because I was a lonely teenager fighting against the world. 
The first concert I went was the one of the Molotov group. I really liked them because they were so rebel and politics. I went with a friend of mine, when we were 13, still in school. The concert was in Caupolican Theatre, and it was full of bad boys, wearing their black t-shirts and screaming this I didn't understand. We were really scared, but after we made some friends there. 
So, my first album... I think it was a Molotov one. It calls "Dance and dense denso". It was very important because I bought it with my own money!!! I was very happy, because I earned this money seeling ice cream in my neighborhood. 

Favorite Cartoon

I love cartoons and I think it's a problem because, in my new apartment nothing it's mine, so I don't have tv, and my computer is broken, so I can't see tv too often. Also, I don`t have enough time to watch them, because I have a lot of work to do for university.  When I was a child I enjoyed all the cartoons of Nickelodeon (and I still do), but especially HEY ARNOLD! I love all the characters of the serie, like Helga with that biiiiiiiig eyebrown, bad temperament and pink dress, and his friend Herald, with his amazing and extravagant hair. I love the setting of the cartoon because all the stories happen in the neighborhood with their classmates of school. The stories was mystics, always something can changed, like a dream! and new characters can be built- in.

I Think Hey Arnold is a cartoon made for everyone, because their structure is very simple, it's like a "everybody-serie", what means that every person can watch, enjoy and understand it. There's is something magical in this tv show, because it developes stories based on childhood games and experiences. 

My ideal job

I really don´t know how start to talk about some kind of job that I would like to have, because if someone pay me, it's a incredible idea, I need a lot of money because Santiago is too expensive for an student ... art student!!! . Today I have two works and it's difficult for me wait for a fantastic work in the bahamas or whatever, but ... I want to work in that way someday.  In the real life the work is complicated and I feel so bad about unemployed people with a lot of necessity.
If one day I become in a recognized artist  I hope to work in art, and earn some money with this, I want to travel around the world with my art work, preferably not in an office, and especially I want to know all America with my camera and live my life in differents tribes for learn and discover the antique knowlodge about the medicine, astronomy, agriculture and others topics. 
I think that we have to learn from the ancients, see and act like the ancients because by the history we can be better persons and do right things. We can't forget our roots and if I can be a contribution, with my work, I'm glad to help for a teach to others and with the art build a new vision of the world.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Misconceptions about art or studying

The first thing that I have to tell you about the conception to "studying art" it's that is a different way to see the world, but it's not extraordinary, I mean, it's not for a genius or a master with handmade subjects. All the people can do anything relationated with art, because art don't means do beautiful things. Art means symbolic language, it's a not verbal way to explain the things. If you can contemplate a sopaipilla as if it was the mona lisa, you can be an artist! . For my experience, the support of my parents and friends it's really important and I enjoy everyday their company meanwhile I do strange and dynamic things (sometimes I do boring things too).

Studying art is amazing, but you need to have discipline it's not just fun! (but have a lot of fun too), is one of the things that people can't imagine about be an artist. You have to study a lot and also do "material" things that can "talk by themselves"- in simply words, studying art it's difficult and it's not a simply way to put things together making an impression. To me, the most of the time it's awkward say that I'm studying art, because people think that you have to show of in front them, talk about your work and show your work for their opinion. But, it's a good activity for me dedicate my time to do art, specially sculpture because I really enjoy construct things and work with some incredible materials.

I love art and I want to be an amazing artist someday like Mauricio Bravo.