Thursday, May 7, 2015


When I was a child, I always invented weird things and games with funny rules! I think that I was a so creative girl. All my cousins and neighbours wanted to play with me, I was a very social girl with a big personality. We pretended that we work in a fair, or construct a pyramid like egyptians...we pretended to, that we could fight with nunchakus like the ninja turtles ( I always wanted to be like MASTER SPLINTER and always eat pizza with my boys-  I still want that thing.)

 One of my famous storys are realationated with my imaginary friend, PEPE. He was a big and old man with a big beard, he always play with me and one day, my mom was frighten out because she hear my laugh but she don't see me at all ...  Well... I only was playing with PEPE... but! I was playing on the kitchen, but inside the sink with spoons, ok - weird-.
 In that period, all my staff was called PEPE, my favorite teddy bear, and my dolls... SO FREAK! But my best friend isn`t called pepe, he's called Martín and always support me especially when I felt bad for my father's divorce. We was a litlle childs with a fantastic world in our heads and with a big spirit of friendship. At now, I don't see Martín anymore... we grow up and he lives in Montreal, Canada.

I think the childhood is very important for the construction of our personality, we see the world with a "big eyes" and "big soul", with inocence. We must to remember that emotion to be free and happy in all our lives.

that's is the reason that I love to  L A U G H  everyday !

Friday, May 1, 2015


Roman Signer is my favorite artist!, he is a visual artist from Switzerland and his work include sculpture, photography, intallations and video. He born in 1938 and he still make art. 
Roman started later his career in art because he study art at twenty eight years old after work in other (comun) things. Usually his work is relationated with land art and performance art, but I want to think that his work is dynamical sculpture because their "action sculptures". 

Here I put one of those videos.

All that he do is about experiments! he love explote things and draw in the nature with pyrothecnics. He film everything and his work is amazing inside or outside the galery. I choose to write about Signer because I love his spirit, he enjoy everything that he do, and make art with all his heart. Is a simple man with a great personality!. Their methapors with technology are beautiful. He learn about explosive and pyrothecnics with his brother, that was firefighter.

One of my favorites works of Signer, are the camping tent. Is a video in wich inside a tent, signer take a nap or sleep sooo deep., and then ... he become to snore but outside the tent, a bigs loudspeakers reproduced the snore! all the tent with the loudspeakers are transformated, they seems like an animal.

If you want to see more works of Signer, you can watch them in the documentary called SIGNERS KOFFER in this link!. I hope you enjoy it!.